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Our vision on learning

Starting to do things differently tomorrow. That’s what it is all about. In our opinion, the value of learning is not in gaining knowledge, but in actually being able to apply it in your daily life.

Learning is doing, doing is learning
Changing your behaviour does not come without effort. Apart from opening yourself up to new insights, also expect to make some miles practicing and to break existing patterns. Experiencing, learning, and doing. Keep this up for as long as you need until you can do it. That means you have ample opportunity to make mistakes. The more the better because you learn most by making mistakes! You are invited to try out what the effect is when you approach things differently. You will be amazed by your own effectiveness and the reaction of your conversationalist. However, always keep in mind that taking the time to internalize your new behaviour is key.

Trial and error
No one has learned to cycle by reading a handbook or taking an online course. Trial and error, that’s what it is all about! Why do we expect young professionals or starting leaders to have the right skills developed in no time with a management course and to use them at the right time?

A flight simulator for managers
We offer a safe environment where you can practice with cases ranging from simple to very challenging. It is basically a flight simulator for managers and professionals, in which you can practice endlessly, as long as you need, to finally be confident to use new behaviour in your workplace. That is what we believe in. Leadership and collaboration are not about power or who shouts the hardest. On the contrary, your personal impact is decisive in whether you get things done. Successful professionals adjust their behaviour to their goals and to the other person. If you can read the other person and are able to switch to other behaviour and communication, you are in control of almost any situation.

Challenging, customized trainings
During the training sessions, you will be challenged to create your own training programme based on your learning needs. This makes you responsible for your own learning process. In this process we support you by teaching you how to reflect and give and receive feedback. In addition, we will give you relevant models, theories, and cases, so that you can directly apply the new knowledge in practice. The training courses have been elaborated down to the last detail. Our renowned training The Positive Power and Influence Programme® has been a great success for over 45 years.

How can you make sure you actually do things differently tomorrow? After 60 years we know exactly how to effectively achieve behavioural change. We design the best training experience for each participant. This starts with a solid program structure, very experienced trainers, inspiring own training locations and the latest state of the art techniques to practice. Training becomes an impactful experience in which you not only learn new behaviour, but also experience its effect. This is the only way you will you use it in practice!

It simply takes time to learn something new and specially to internalize what you learn, so you will apply it in practice. Just knowing about the skills is not enough. It is about being convinced that you are able to do it and that it works for you. You will achieve this by, in addition to understanding what it is, experiencing and feeling how it works. That means you need to practice a lot.

How do we develop new behaviour in people?
Our training programmes are designed to make you aware of your own behaviour, involve others from your (work) environment in the process and focus on your work practice. This creates real behavioural change. We do this with a carefully constructed macro didactic design that underlies all our programmes. Our trainings are based on the 70-20-10 principle. This principle does not only focus on learning, but mostly on the achievement that is the result of learning. 70% means learning at the workplace, your own experience. 20% means social learning, through contact and interaction with others. 10% means gaining knowledge through activities such as training and e-learning.

  • Fixed components include:
  • Group learning
  • Creating a continuous feedback loop
  • Identifying and breaking through ineffective behavioural patterns
  • Self-directed learning
  • The unique Influence Model®

Group learning
In addition to social learning, contact learning in a group is key for your learning process. In a safe environment, we will experiment with new behaviour with the help of others. Learning in a group is intensive, sometimes confrontational, often inspiring, and always unforgettable.

Continuous feedback loop
Continuous feedback plays a very important role in every change process. It does in your learning process as well. Feedback from your fellow participants and our certified influence professionals enables you to discover what behaviour works and what doesn’t to be effective. This feedback starts before the training and continues during and after the training days, using digital tools, connection with colleagues and with fellow participants. This way you keep paying attention to your newly learned skills outside of the training.

Break through behaviour patterns
During the training, we will take the first steps to identify patterns and determine whether they work for or against you. Feedback from fellow participants and seeing yourself back on film, will make you aware which of your behavioural styles are effective. If they do not help you to achieve your goal, we spend time breaking through and changing them. You practice intensively with new or different behaviour, by practicing a lot of cases. This way you internalize your new influence behaviour, which enables you to use it in everyday life.

Self-directed learning
Because you would like to make more impact, you also set your learning goals yourself. Changing behaviour takes time and especially motivation and self-reflection. You are responsible for your own learning process. In our programs, we ask for this responsibility and self-management. We offer you the structure to make your own choices in what you learn, with whom, and when. These choices will be based on your individual learning goals and the way you think your learning process fits your needs best. We support you wherever necessary and challenge you to get the utmost out of yourself.

The Influence Model®
Our unique Influence Model® offers you effective tools in such a structured way, that you can directly use them in practice. This model was developed at Harvard, is scientifically founded and the guiding principle in all our programs. It is simple, effective and it combines the ‘’what’’ and ‘’how’’ in one model, thus making it an easy tool that quickly and effectively helps you to be more influential.

What is the learning process in practice?

Our working methods range from simulation, role playing, exercises in the here and now, to presentation for the camera. Our professionals facilitate your learning process, get you out of your comfort zone, and steer you in the right direction when necessary.

Each exercise is followed by a moment of reflection. This is a moment of contemplation, reflection and a basis for further questions and renewed focus. During this reflective moment, you can log your personal insights but also involve your trainer to guide you through the process. After all, the training days are just a step towards dealing with concrete challenges in your workplace. The practice is where it happens!

How do you support me?
Our digital performance tools, such as our unique learning platform, the Influence Hub, but also the Influence Hub App® and the Influence KIT®, all together enable you to choose where and when you would like to learn. During the training sessions, you have an iPad at your disposal. This way you have all the information, tools, theory, exercises, learning objectives and results of your assessments available on one single device. Important insights, objectives and plans are stored digitally, and therefore available at all times. Every moment you think ‘’how do I do this?’’, you log in and you can see your own learning path and reflections. You can see yourself on video and build extra confidence, use a performance tool to prepare a difficult conversation or contact a trainer or coach. Basically, we’re always here when you need us.

So this programme really works?
Yes it does! Our Positive Power and Influence® Programme is the most successful and longest running program in the Netherlands. Further developed and digitized, but still recognizable as the original of more than 45 years ago. Our Positive Power and Influence® Programme, with focus on influencing skills, received an average rating of 8,7 out of 10 from over 2000+ participants last year.

“In this programme you put yourself first. You become aware of your behaviour and its effect on others. When participants experience and realize that they may be true to their feelings and tell how they feel, that is almost a kind of revelation. Participants suddenly find out that they need to work less hard for the same or even better results,” says Jorinde Gommans, Influence Professional at Bureau Zuidema.

“Doing something different than before, when you walk out the door, that’s what it is all about. We make sure that our programs have a long-lasting effect, that you continue to learn in practice and that you can always rely on our expertise later on,” says Lodewijk van Ommeren, director of Bureau Zuidema.